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为了探究姜黄提取物对加州鲈生长、抗氧化及免疫功能的影响,在饲料中分别添加1%的姜黄醇提物和姜黄水提物,进行4周的投喂试验,每周测定加州鲈体质量及肝脏抗氧化指标,试验结束时测定脾脏炎性因子及抗病毒因子的基因表达量。结果显示,投喂姜黄醇提取物和水提物对加州鲈幼鱼体质量增长无显著影响(P>0.05)。醇提物组SOD、AKP在第3周开始显著高于对照组(P<0.05),第4周时显著高于水提物组(P<0.05),第4周时CAT、T-AOC、ACP显著高于对照组及水提物组(P<0.05),MDA显著低于对照组及水提物组(P <0.05)。姜水提物组SOD在第3周开始显著高于对照组(P <0.05),第4周时T-AOC、ACP显著高于对照组(P <0.05),MDA及CAT显著小于对照组(P <0.05)。用药组加州鲈脾脏中IL-8、IL-10、TNF-α、IFN-γ、Mx-1和PKR基因表达量均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),其中醇提物组IL-10、Mx-1和PKR基因表达量显著高于水提物组(P<0.05),IFN-γ基因表达量显著低于于水提物组(P<0.05)。研究表明,饲料中添加适量的姜黄醇提物和水提物对加州鲈生长不造成影响,投喂4周能显著提高加州鲈抗氧化能力及免疫力,以姜黄醇提物效果更优。
关键词:  姜黄醇提物  姜黄水提物  生长  抗氧化  免疫
Effect of Curcuma longa Extracts on Growth, Antioxidant and Immune Functions of Micropterus salmoides
(Wuhan Academy of Agriculture Science & Technology;Wuhan Chopper Fishery Bio-Tech Co., Ltd.)
In order to study the effects of Curcuma longa extracts on the growth, antioxidant capacity and immunity of Micropterus salmoides, the experimental groups were fed with diets containing alcohol or water extracts of Curcuma longa at the level of 1% for 4 weeks. At the end of each week, body weight and antioxidant indexes in the liver were measured. After 4 weeks, the gene expression of inflammatory factors and antiviral proteins in the spleen were detected. The results showed that dietary supplementation of Curcuma longa extracts had no significant influence on body weight (P>0.05). In the group fed with alcohol extract, the SOD and AKP activities were significantly higher than those in the control group from the third week, and were significantly higher than those in the group fed with water extract at the fourth week. The CAT, T-AOC and ACP activities in the group fed with alcohol extract were significantly higher than those in other groups, while MDA content was significantly lower than that in other groups at the fourth week. In the group fed with water extract, the SOD activity was significantly higher than that in the control group from the third week. The T-AOC and ACP activities in the group fed with water extract were significantly higher than those in the control group, while the MDA content and CAT activity were significantly lower than those in the control group at the fourth week. The gene expression levels of IL-8, IL-10, TNF-α, IFN-γ, Mx-1 and PKR in the two groups fed with Curcuma longa extracts were dramatically higher than those in the control group. In the group fed with alcohol extract, the gene expression levels of IL-10, Mx-1 and PKR were higher and the expression level of IFN-γ was lower than those in the group fed with water extract significantly. These findings suggested that fed with diets containing Curcuma longa extracts for 4 weeks can markedly enhance the antioxidant capacity and immunity of Micropterus salmoides, but can not improve the growth. Additionally, the alcohol extract of Curcuma longa was found to be more effective than the water extract.
Key words:  water extractSof Curcuma longa  alcohol extractSof Curcuma longa  growth  antioxidant  immunity

