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在进行2批猪瘟活疫苗(脾淋源)效力检验时,出现效力检验家兔突然死亡现象,为了查明家兔死亡原因,采用无菌检验、支原体检验、血凝试验、兔体中和试验 、酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)对疫苗或其注苗后死亡家兔肝脏、脾脏混合病料进行了检测。结果显示,疫苗的无菌检验、支原体检验结果均为阴性;疫苗及注射疫苗死亡家兔肝脏、脾脏混合病料具有较低的血凝价,血凝试验结果均为可疑;在兔体中和试验中,中和组家兔2/2健康存活,未中和的疫苗对照组家兔2/2死亡;疫苗及注射疫苗死亡家兔肝脏、脾脏混合病料的ELISA检测结果均为阳性。检测结果证实疫苗中含有兔出血症病毒(Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus,RHDV)。猪瘟活疫苗(脾淋源)污染RHDV的现象启示我们,应该加强猪瘟活疫苗(脾淋源)抗原制备过程的控制;同时有必要对猪瘟活疫苗(脾淋源)质量标准进行修订,进一步补充完善。
关键词:  猪瘟活疫苗(脾淋源)  兔出血症病毒  污染  启示
Detection and Revelation of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus(RHDV) Contaminating in Classical Swine Fever Vaccine (Live,Spleen and Lymphaden Tissue Origin)
Gao Jin-yuan [sub_s]
(China Institute of Veterinary Drug Control)
During efficacy test of classical swine fever (CSF) vaccine(live,spleen and lymphaden tissue origin) was carried, rabbits inoculated with 2 batches unexpectedly died without obvious clinical symptoms. To identify the cause of rabbits death, the two batches of vaccine were detected by sterile test, mycoplasma test, haemagglutination test,rabbit body neutralazation test,sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA), respectively;the mixture of liver and spleen sample of every dead rabbit inoculated with the 2 batches was detected by haemagglutination test,sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA), respectively.The results of sterility test and mycoplasma test of the two batches were negative.The HA results of the two batches and the mixture of liver and spleen samples showed lower titres, which were regarded as suspicious.The result of rabbit body neutralazation test of the two batches showed that all rabbits in neutralazating group were survival, and all rabbits in the vaccine control group died.the results of sandwich ELISA of the two batches and the mixture of liver and spleen samples were RHDV-positive. According to the results of the serial tests,we can confirm that the 2 batches were contaminated by rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV).The phenomenon of RHDV contamination in CSF vaccine(live,spleen and lymphaden tissue origin) reminds that we should strengthen the quality control of CSF vaccine antigen preparation and it is necessary to further improve quality standard of extrouse virus test of CSF vaccine(live,spleen and lymphaden tissue origin).
Key words:  Classical swine fever vaccine(live,spleen and lymphaden tissue origin)  Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV)  Contaminating  Revelation

