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(吉林农业大学动物科技学院 吉林长春)
In order to improve the cure rate of retention of afterbirth of farm cattle, the effects of four different treatment methods were observed and contrasted. The best treatment option was chosen through the experiment. 42 cases of retention of afterbirth diagnosed in Shanghewan town of Jiutai city animal husbandry and veterinary station from 2008 January to 2011 December were divided into four groups according to the date. Four groups were treated by ingredient-added shenghua decoction oral administration, electro-acupuncture treatment and oxytocin injection, ingredient-added shenghua decoction oral administration and electro-acupuncture treatment, oxytocin injection respectively. The cure rate of the four groups was 81.82%, 70.00%, 91.67% and 55.56% respectively. The treatment effect of ingredient-added shenghua decoction oral administration and electro-acupuncture was better than other three methods. The study provides a feasible treatment method of retention of afterbirth of farm cattle in clinical.
关键词:  生化汤  电针  缩宫素  胎衣不下
Comparison Test of Four Treatment Methods for Retention of Afterbirth of Farm Cattle
Wen wei
(College of Animal Science,Jilin Agricultural University,Changchun,Jilin)
Purpose: Observe the treatment efficacy of farm cattle’s retained afterbirth, compare and select a better treatment option to improve the cure rate of retained afterbirth.Method: From January 2008 to December 2011, 42 cases have been treated in the veterinary station of Hewan town (JiuTai), There are divided into four groups according to the years.shenghua tang jiawei orally、acusector and oxytocin injection、shenghua tang jiawei orally and Electroacupuncture、Uterine contraction in the intramuscular injection have been adopted respectively. Result: The cure rate of S is 81.82%;the cure rate of acusector and oxytocin is 70%; the cure rate of shenghua tang jiawei and acusector is 91.67%, the cure rate of oxytocin is 55.56%. Conclusion: The treatment efficacy of shenghua tang jiawei orally and Electroacupuncture for treating retained afterbirth is better than other three methods, and provides a practical method of treatment for the clinical treatment of that disease.
Key words:  shenghua decoction  acusector  oxytocin  retained afterbirth

