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研究了两种头孢噻呋注射液给猪肌注后的比较药物动力学特征。选用12头健康猪随机分为两组,每组6头,分别肌注上海公谊兽药厂生产的长效盐酸头孢噻呋注射液和美国辉瑞生产的盐酸头孢噻呋注射液(速解灵注射液),每头5 mg/kg。采用超高效液相色谱法测定猪血浆中头孢噻呋的的药物浓度,用Winnonlin 5.2 药动学分析软件非房室模型处理药时数据,模型200处理肌注给药后的药代动力学参数。结果表明:健康猪肌注两种注射液后,参数MRT、Cmax、tmax统计差异极显著(P<0.01),长效盐酸头孢噻呋注射液单剂量肌注给药较速解灵注射液吸收慢,达峰时间显著延迟,达峰浓度显著降低,平均驻留时间显著延长;参数AUC、Kel、t1/2统计无显著性差异(P>0.05),长效盐酸头孢噻呋注射液的相对生物利用度为98.41%,与速解灵注射液的生物利用度相当。本研究可为头孢噻呋注射液的临床合理用药提供参考。
关键词:  头孢噻呋注射液  药动学  
基金项目:十一五国家科技支撑计划“兽用抗菌药物新制剂的研制与应用”(2006BAD31B06); 上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目“兽用抗菌药物长效注射剂的研制“(沪农科攻字(2006)第10-3 号)
Comparative pharmacokinetics of two injection of Ceftiofur in Pigs after intramuscular administration
(Hunan Provincial Institute of Animal Drug and Feed Supervision,Hunan Changsha,;Shanghai Gongyi Veterinary Medicines Plant,Shanghai Fengxian,;College of Veterinary Medicine/National Reference Laboratory of Veterinary Drug Residues, South China Agricultural University,Guangdong Guangzhou)
Pharmacokinetics of two ceftiofur injection in pigs were studied .Twelve pigs were divided into two groups with 6 pigs in each. The pigs in one group were administered muscularly with long acting cefiofur injection from Shanghai Gongyi Veterinary Medicines Plant in dose of 5.0 mg/kg,those in another group were administered with injections (RTUEZ Sterile Suspension) from Pfrizer in dose of 5.0 mg/kg. The plasma concentration of ceftiofur was detected by UPLC with an ultraviolet detector. Pharmacokinetic parameters were estimated using the WinNonlinTM software package(Standard edition version 5.2),and WinNonlinTM model 200 (for i.m.) was used for the noncompartmental analysis of the time and concentration data. Compared long acting cefiofur injection with RTUEZ Sterile Suspension, statistical analysis on plasma showed that the pharmacokinetic parameters of MRT, Cmaxand tmax were different significantly(P<0.01). It appeared that ceftiofur was absorbed and eliminated slowly, and highly bioavailable.The absolute bioavailability of long acting cefiofur injection following i.m. administration was 98.41%,bioequivalent to that of RTVEZ Sterile Suspension.This study can provide a reference for the clinical use of ceftiofur injection.
Key words:  ceftiofur injection  pharmacokinetic  pig

