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(广东大华农动物保健品股份有限公司 广东新兴;、肇庆大华农生物药品有限公司 广东省兽用生物制品生物技术研究与应用企业重点实验室 广东肇庆)
通过将猪细小病毒CG-05株同步接种于ST细胞,测定不同时间收获的病毒液的TCID50和HA,研究了CG-05株病毒在ST细胞上的增殖规律。病毒接种后镜检观察接毒细胞,在接种病毒后24 h,即可在细胞较少的区域看到非常轻微的病变;测定病毒TCID50,检测到接毒后培养17h病毒已经明显增殖;当培养到40 h左右,其TCID50即接近高峰,达到10-7.2/0.1 mL以上,并进入平台期;继续培养,TCID50最高可达到10-8.5/0.1 mL,且直到122 h,也不见明显降低。病毒HA价也出现同样的平台期,但比TCID50的平台期出现得晚,到50 h才进入平台期。根据本研究结果,用ST细胞培养CG-05株病毒,接种病毒培养56~96h后,如病变达到80%以上,且细胞脱落已形成20%以上空斑,收获病毒,可获得高效价的病毒液。试验研究结果为试验和生产实践中制备高效价的PPV病毒抗原提供了数据资料。
关键词:  猪细小病毒  ST细胞  增殖规律
Replication Dynamics of Porcine Parvovirus CG-05 Strain in ST Cell Culture
(Guangdong Dahuanong Animal Health Products Co,LTDXinxing,Guangdong;、Guangdong Enterprise Key Laboratory of Biotechnology R D of Veterinary Biological Products,Zhaoqing DaHuaNong Biological Medicine Co,Ltd,Zhaoqing High-tech Development Zone,Zhaoqing,Guangdong Province)
The growth property of porcine parvovirus CG-05 strain in ST cells was studied by TCID50 and HA test. The results indicated that slight CPE could be observed and the TCID50 also rose obviously in 17 h after the virus be added into the cell culture. The TCID50 was near to the peak and soon reached a plateau phase (above 107.2/0.1 mL) after about 40 h of culture. The TCID50 could reach 108.5/0.1 mL by the most with no obvious dropping until 122 h. HA titer also rose with the culture time and soon reached a plateau phase in 50 h after the virus be added into the cell culture. According to the results, using ST cells to propagate porcine parvovirus CG-05 strain, high TCID50 and HA titer virus could be gotten in 56 to 96 h after inoculation, when above 80% cells of the culture appeared CPE and 20% of which detached from the bottle wall and appeared plaque.The results of the research could give data support for the preparation of high titer PPV antigen in laborary test and manufactur practice.
Key words:  Porcine Parvovirus, ST cell, replication dynamics

