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为了探讨新型免疫增强剂—苷肽注射液对犬免疫功能的影响,以20 只健康犬为研究对象,随机分为四组,每组5 只,分别注射苷肽注射液、苷肽注射液和犬五联疫苗、犬五联疫苗、生理盐水,各组犬于注射后0、2、7、15、21 d 采血,检测不同组间的IFN-γ含量的变化。结果表明: 苷肽注射液单独应用及其与疫苗联合应用,在注射后2 d 就可以显著提高IFN-γ水平,并且可以维持15 d; 注射苷肽注射液联合犬五联疫苗组和单独注射苷肽注射液组IFN-γ 含量显著高于单独注射犬五联疫苗组( P < 0.05) ,说明苷肽注射液可以诱导γ-干扰素的产生,从而发挥其免疫增强的作用。
关键词:  苷肽注射液    IFN-γ  免疫功能
基金项目:吉林省科技厅项目( 编号20060205-02)
Research on Generating IFN-γ of Canine Induced by the Glucoside Peptide Injection
(College of Animal Science and Technology,Jilin Agricultural University,Changchun)
In order to explore the influence of glucoside peptide injection—a new immune strengthening agent onimmune function of canine,twenty canines were randomly divided into four groups in this experiment.There were five canines in each group.The canines in four groups were respectively injected with glucoside peptide injection,glucoside peptide injection combined with pentavalent vaccine in canine,pentavalent vaccine in canine and normal saline.In order to detect the change of the IFN-γ content between the different groups ,the blood was collected before injection and on the second day,the seventh day,the fifteen day and the twenty-one day after injection.The results showed that IFN-γsecretion level was significantly raised on the second day and maintained for 15 days,IFN-γsecretion level of canines in the group of glucoside peptide injection and the group of glucoside peptide injection combined with pentavalent vaccine was higher than canines in the group of canine pentavalent vaccine ( P <0.05 )。This explained that glucoside peptide injection possessed the action of intensifying immunity. The results showed that the glucoside peptide injection can induce engender IFN-γ, play its role of cell immunity enhancement.
Key words:  glucoside peptide injection  canine  IFN-γ  immune function

