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基于Web of Science民族兽药学文献的可视化分析
民族兽药学是研究不同文化背景的民族认识与利用植物防治动物疫病及其相关知识的一门学科,国内外对该领域研究在不断增加,开展该领域的文献分析对于指导相关研究具有重要的作用。本文以1986~2016年30年间Web of Science核心文集收录的文献为研究对象,利用Web of Science在线工具和HistCite软件对民族兽药学文献进行详细的分析。获得了该领域研究核心作者、重点期刊、研究的机构、影响力较高的国家(地区)和研究的热点等,得到了该领域的引文编年图。30年来民族兽药学每年的文献量及引用频次都在增加,学科发展主要集中在印度、巴基斯坦、南非、巴西等国家,研究热点主要集中在植物科学、民族药物学、兽药科学、药物综合补充等方面。通过对民族兽药学30年文献总结和讨论,为民族兽药学科的发展奠定一定理论基础。
关键词:  民族兽药学  Web of Science  HistCite  可视化分析
A Visual Analysis of Literatures in Ethnoveterinary Science Based on the Web of Science
(College of Life and Environmental Sciences,Minzu University of China)
Ethnoveterinary science is a subject which studies knowledge involved in different cultural backgrounds and medicinal plants used to treat animal diseases. In consideration of the significance of this subject, a comprehensive systematic literature review of this subject is necessary. Ethnoveterinary literatures in 1986 - 2016 from Web of Science were collected for analysis. The development trends of ethnoveterinary literatures had been analyzed according to the information from Web of Science, based on visible tool of HistCite and by using visual software of HistCite to create the chronological citation chart. The information of key authors, major journals, institutions, the highly influential countries/regions and researched areas had been shown visibly. The annual papers published in ethnoveterinary science have constantly increased for nearly 30 years. The subject development of animal husbandry was mainly concentrated in developing countries, such as India, Pakistan, South Africa, and Brazil. The research fields are mainly concentrated in plant science, ethnopharmacology, veterinary medical science, medical comprehensive supplement and so on. The 30 years ethnoveterinary literatures are summarized and discussed systematically to provide reference for development of this discipline.
Key words:  Ethnoveterinary  science, Web of Science, HistCite, Visual analysis

