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(吉林农业科技学院 动物科技学院)
为分析吉林地区猪流行性腹泻(PED)流行与爆发原因及采取有效紧急防治措施,试验选取吉林地区150份疑似PEDV阳性样本,结合临床症状与病理剖检变化、胶体金试纸及RT-PCR检测等方法综合判定并筛选阳性样本,通过抗原灭活制备小肠组织灭活液,将72头产前90 d妊娠母猪分成原疫苗组和组织灭活液组,组织灭活液组分别于产前70 d和35 d后海穴注射灭活液4 mL/头,与原疫苗组对比分析免疫效果。结果显示,三个试验场组织灭活液组比原疫苗组发病率分别从68.5%、71.4%、58.7%下降到8.5%、16.1%、7.7%;死亡率从60.1%、68.3%、53.1%下降到8.5%、16.1%、7.7%。结果表明,PEDV阳性场两种免疫制剂阳性率均达到83%以上,但试验制备的猪流行性腹泻仔猪小肠组织灭活液具有较好的综合免疫效果。
关键词:  猪流行性腹泻  组织灭活  免疫效果
基金项目:吉林市科技创新发展计划项目资助(201750218); 校企横向课题(横20190026)
Study on Immune Effect of Inactivated Solution in Small Intestine of Piglets with Epidemic Diarrhea in Jilin Area from 2016 to 2018
(Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University)
In order to analyze the causes of epidemic and outbreak of pig epidemic diarrhea (PED) in Jilin area and thus take effective emergency prevention and control measures, 150 suspected PEDV positive samples were selected in this experiment, combined with clinical symptoms and pathological changes, colloidal gold test paper and RT-PCR detection. The positive samples were comprehensively identified and screened. The inactivated solution of small intestine tissue was prepared by antigen inactivation. 72 pregnant sows at 90 days before delivery were divided into original vaccine group and tissue inactivated solution group. The inactivated liquid 4 mL/head was injected into Haiacupoint 70 days and 35 days before delivery, respectively. The immune effect was compared with that of the original vaccine group. The results showed that the incidence of inactivated fluid group decreased from 68.5%, 71.4%, 58.7% to 8.5%, 16.1%, 7.7%, and the mortality rate decreased from 60.1%, 68.3%, 53.1% to 8.5%, 16.1% and 7.7%, respectively. The results showed that the positive rate of the two kinds of immune preparations in the positive field of PEDV was higher than 83%. But the small intestinal tissue inactivated liquid of the pig epidemic diarrhea piglets prepared by the test has a better comprehensive immune effect.
Key words:  PED  tissue inactivation  the immune effect

