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通过豚鼠、新西兰大白兔的皮肤致敏、皮肤刺激、肌肉刺激、红细胞溶血试验,考察咪唑苯脲注射液的安全性。试验用新西兰大白兔 6只进行皮肤刺激,染毒剂量为咪唑苯脲注射液 0.5 m L/只(规格:1211.5 mg /m L);用白化豚鼠进行皮肤致敏试验,按 0.5 m L/kg 剂量,以豚鼠背部左侧皮肤进行染毒;用新西兰大白兔 8只,进行肌肉刺激试验,在右侧股四头肌注入 0.5、0.2、0.1 mg /kg bw,左侧股四头肌注入同样体积的灭菌 0.9% 氯化钠溶液作对照;用新西兰大白兔 2 只,进行红细胞溶血试验,采用体外试管法进行,采心脏血 50 m L,制成红细胞悬液,加入受试药物原液温育 3 h。结果显示,皮肤刺激试验:受试物咪唑苯脲注射液各个时间点的刺激反应积分均值为 0;皮肤致敏试验:受试药物组和阴性对照组豚鼠的皮肤过敏反应率为 0;肌肉刺激试验:给予受试物各个时间点的刺激反应积分均值为 0;红细胞溶血试验:受试药物及阴性对照在 3 h 内红细胞全部下沉,上清液体均为澄明,溶液中未见棕红色或红棕色絮状沉淀。试验表明咪唑苯脲注射剂无皮肤刺激性、不出现过敏反应、无肌肉刺激性、无溶血和凝聚作用,临床上可以肌肉注射使用。
关键词:  咪唑苯脲注射液  特殊安全性  皮肤刺激  皮肤致敏  肌肉刺激  红细胞溶血性
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目 (No.2016YFD0501305),国家重点研发计划项目(No.2018YFD0501603)
Special Safety Research of Imidocarb Injection
(Feed research institute chinese academy of agricultural sciences)
Study on the safety of imidocarb injection through skin sensitization,skin irritation,muscle stimulation and erythrocyte hemolysis test in guinea pigs and New Zealand white rabbits was made so as to provide reference for clinical medication safety. The skin irritation test with 6 New Zealand white rabbits was done,and the dose of the drug was 0.5 m L (specification:1211.5 mg / m L);The skin sensitization experiment was carried out with albino guinea pig,Exposure to the left side of the back of the guinea pig at a dose of 0.5 m L / kg;do the muscle stimulation test with 8 New Zealand white rabbits,injection of 0.5、0.2、0.1 mg / kg bw into the right quadriceps,the left quadriceps was injected with the same volume of sterilized 0. 9% sodium chloride solution as a control;do the erythrocyte hemolysis test with 2 New Zealand white rabbits by external test tubemethod,collect heart blood 50 m L,make blood cell suspensions,and then add the liquid temperature of the tested medicine 3 h. Results of skin irritation test:the average value of stimulating reaction points of the subjects with imidocarb injection at different time points was 0. Skin sensitization test:the allergic reaction rate was 0 which guinea pigs were treated with the tested drug group and the negative control;Muscle stimulation test:the mean value of stimulation reaction points at each point was 0;Hemolysis of erythrocyte test:the red cells of the tested drugs and the negative control all sunk in 3 h,and the supernatant liquid was clear,no brown or red-brown flocculent precipitate was seen in the solution. The results showed no skin irritation,no allergic reaction,no muscular irritation,no hemolysis and condensation in the injection of imidocarb injection,it is clinically safe enough for muscle injection.
Key words:  imidocarb injection  special safety  skin irritation  skin sensitization  muscle stimulation  hemolysis of erythrocyte

