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(天津农学院; 中国农业科学院饲料研究所)
关键词:  防冻型消毒剂  兽用消毒剂  畜禽养殖
Research progress of antifreeze disinfectant and its application in veterinary clinic
(Tianjin Agricultural University;Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences)
In recent years, the comprehensive production capacity of animal husbandry in China has been significantly enhanced, the scale and intensification of livestock and poultry breeding industry has been continuously strengthened, and the breeding density is too high, resulting in the reduction of livestock and poultry immunity, the increase of livestock and poultry infection risk, and the prevention and control of livestock and poultry diseases are facing challengs. The outbreak and prevalence of African swine fever, foot-and-mouth disease, Peste des Petits ruminants, highly pathogenic avian influenza and other animal diseases have exposed the weak link in biosafety prevention and control, and disinfection is an important means of biosafety prevention and control, and is the most effective measure to stop the occurrence and spread of animal diseases. However, in livestock and poultry production, it is found that there is a shortage of antifreeze disinfectants for animals in winter, and the temperature in northeast China, Inner Mongolia and northwest China is below zero in autumn and winter, and the general disinfectant will freeze in the low temperature environment, resulting in a decrease in disinfection effect or even complete failure. The research progress, product classification and clinical application of antifreeze disinfectants at home and abroad were reviewed in order to provide reference for low-temperature disinfection of livestock farms and provide scientific guidance for the research of antifreeze disinfectants.
Key words:  antifreeze disinfectant  disinfectant for animals  livestock and poultry breeding

