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(中国农业科学院特产研究所 长春,;吉林特研生物技术有限责任公司 长春)
为评价水貂犬瘟热Vero细胞活疫苗(CDV3-CL株,悬浮疫苗)冻干制剂在临床应用中的免疫效果,分别选择饲养规模相似的3个毛皮兽场进行疫苗安全性(10头份)和免疫效力(1头份)研究,接种后观察动物的临床症状,检测抗体水平并抽取部分水貂进行攻毒试验。结果表明,超剂量接种水貂未见有明显的临床症状,对水貂的生产性能无明显影响;水貂免疫疫苗后21 d即可获得达到免疫保护的抗体水平;免疫180 d仍能维持较高抗体水平,且能够保护动物抵抗强毒攻击。说明水貂犬瘟热Vero细胞活疫苗(CDV3-CL株,悬浮培养)冻干制剂具有较好的临床保护效果。
关键词:  水貂  犬瘟热;活疫苗;悬浮培养;临床试用
Evaluation on the Clinical Immune Effects and Safety of Mink Canine Distemper Virus Attenuated Lived Vaccine in Field Trial
(Institution of Special Animal and Plant Science of Chinese Academy of Agriculture Science;China;Jiling Teyan Biotechnology Co,Ltd;China)
In order to evaluated the clinically immu89331641ne efficacy and safety of newly prepared mink canine distemper modified live vaccine (CDV3-CL strain, Suspension) in field trail and provide scientific basis for reasonable application of this vaccine in practice, the vaccine were widely used in three fur animal farms with the similar breeding scale, one in Liaoning province, two in Jilin provinces. In the safety test, the animal was injected with overdose vaccine (10 dose), and the clinical performance of animal was recorded for 10 days. At the onset of the immune efficacy test, three batches of vaccines were used to immunize mink with a single dose. On day 7, 14, 21, 60, 120, and 180 after the immunization, sera were collected and detected for antibody by sera neutralization test. On day 21 and 180 after immunization, the animals were challenged with a dose of 100 ID50 of a virulent canine distemper virus (CDV-LNM strain). The results showed that the animals show no visible clinical abnormal and no influence on the growthSperformance of the experimental animal, as compared to the control group, indicated that the vaccine is safety and can be used in practice. In addition, the nonspecific efficacy evaluation showed that serum antibodies in sera can be detected as early as 7 day after immunization and it reached to a higher level (≥1:64) enough to protect strong CDV challenge at 21th day. The immunity duration of vaccine is over 180 d. The above results demonstrated that the mink attenuated live vaccine(CDV3-Cl strain, suspension)can be widely used in field practice.
Key words:  mink  canine distemper virus  lived vaccine  suspension  filed trail

